En 2010 cuatro asociaciones llionesas y zamoranas (Facendera, El Teixu, Furmientu y La Caleya) presentoron un completu informe ante’l Conseyu de Europa denunciando los graves incumprimientos de la comunidá autónoma de Castiella y Llión na protección del llionés, y, más en concretu, l’abosuta inobservancia pola Junta del artículu 5.2 del Estatutu d’Autonomía y de Carta Europea de las Llinguas Rexonales y Minoritarias (

En xuliu de 2011 dous miembros de L’ASOCIACIÓN CULTURAL FACEIRA, en representación de las mencionadas asociaciones, reuniéronse en Madrid na sede de la representación Comisión Europea n’España col Comité d’Espertos designáu pola Secretaría pa la Carta Europea de las Llenguas Rexonales y Minoritarias, que depende del Conseyu d’Europa, p’ampliar la información sobre la falta d’iniciativas de l’alministración autonómica de Castiella y Llión na promoción del llionés.

Acaba de facese públicu’l tercer informe del Comité d’Espertos sobre l’aplicación Carta Europea de las Llinguas Rexonales y Minoritarias pa España, na que se pon de manifiestu’l nulu cumprimientu de la Carta por Castiella y Llión en relación col llionés, recomendando actuaciones enérxicas en defensa d’esta llingua, la promoción del sou usu na vida pública, y la introducción del llionés nel sistema educativu de la Comunidá.

Rescampla entre las Conclusiones y propuestas de recomendaciones que se facen al Comité de Ministros del Conseyu d’Europa lo siguiente:

La llingua llionesa menciónase pola primera vez nel tercer informe periódicu. Forma una unidá llingüística col asturianu y el mirandés. El llionés ye reconocidu nel Estatutu d’Autonomía de Castiella y Llión de 2007. Sicasí, las autoridades rexonales nun adoptoron hasta agora las disposiciones pa la protección y promoción del llionés que se derivan del Estatutu, nin desarrolla mididas pa protexer la llingua.

Recoyemos arréu los parágrafos más relevantes del informe relacionaos col llionés, asina como las Conclusiones y propuestas de recomendaciones:

1149 Meeting, 12 September 2012

10 Legal questions

10.6 European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages

Third report of the Committee of Experts in respect of Spain

Item to be considered by the GR-J at its meeting on 6 September 2012

7. As regards Part II of the Charter, Spain declared that the languages protected by the Statutes of Autonomy in the territories where they are traditionally spoken are also considered as regional or minority languages. The Committee of Experts interprets this declaration as presently covering the following languages: Galician in Castile and León and Extremadura, Aragonese and Catalan in Aragon, Asturian and Asturian-Galician in Asturias, and Leonese in Castile and León.

Leonese in Castile and León

63. According to the third periodical report (pages 52 – 53), Leonese forms a linguistic unity with Asturian in Asturias and Mirandese spoken in Portugal. While there are no official data on the number of speakers in the provinces León and Zamora, estimations lie between 25 000 and 50 000 speakers.

Leonese in Castile and León

123. During the previous monitoring round (paragraph 97), the Committee of Experts had been informed about the adoption of a new Statute by the Autonomous Community of Castile and León, which included the Leonese language as a protected language. The Committee of Experts requested the authorities to provide more information on this in their next periodical report.

124. According to the third periodical report (page 150), Leonese is acknowledged in Article 5.2. of the 2007 Statute of Autonomy of Castile and León, approved by Organic Law 14/2007, in that “Leonese shall be the object of specific protection by the institutions due to its particular value in the Community’s linguistic heritage. Its protection, use and promotion shall be subject to regulation.” While welcoming this development, the Committee of Experts was informed by representatives of the speakers that, despite several calls from language associations, the Ombudsman and the Regional Parliament, the Government of Castile and León has to date not adopted any regulations deriving from the Statute.

b the respect of the geographical area of each regional or minority language in order to ensure that existing or new administrative divisions do not constitute an obstacle to the promotion of the regional or minority language in question;


142. Non-governmental organisations have expressed their disappointment with the lack of pro-activity of the Government of Castile and León, as well as the lack of supportive measures to promote Leonese.

143. The Committee of Experts encourages the authorities to take resolute action to promote Leonese and report about the measures taken in the next periodical report.

d the facilitation and/or encouragement of the use of regional or minority languages, in speech and writing, in public and private life;


175. According to the third periodical report (page 153), Leonese is not used in dealings with the administration. During the on-the-spot visit, representatives of the speakers expressed their disappointment with the authorities of Castile and León for their general lack of support vis-à-vis Leonese. It is not taught in education nor used in administration. Some local authorities are favourable towards Leonese and they receive support, but most initiatives are private.

176. The Committee of Experts reminds the authorities that the recognition of the language in a piece of legislation is not sufficient for the promotion and protection of it but that concrete and practical measures are needed to facilitate and promote the use of Leonese in public life.


206. According to representatives of the Leonese-speakers the Committee of Experts met during the-spot visit, Leonese is not taught at school. The Committee of Experts encourages the authorities to take measures to offer Leonese as an integral part of the curriculum, at least as a subject and in those areas where it is mainly spoken.


212. According to non-governmental sources, cultural associations have been offering Leonese language courses for 15 years, partly supported by the councils and local authorities of the provinces of León and Zamora.


225. From the information provided in the third periodical report (page 151), symposia on Leonese are periodically held by the University of León, with the support of the Government of Castile and León, and research into Leonese has been carried out, including two sociolinguistic studies of León in 2006 and 2008 by the Asturian Language Academy.

i the promotion of appropriate types of transnational exchanges, in the fields covered by this Charter, for regional or minority languages used in identical or similar form in two or more States.

Asturian and Leonese

228. As non-governmental sources from León pointed out to the Committee of Experts, so far no form of transnational exchange to speakers of Mirandese has occurred. The representatives of the Asturian-speakers expressed their wish to establish educational and cultural exchanges with speakers of Mirandese in Portugal. The same applies to Leonese.

Paragraph 3

The Parties undertake to promote, by appropriate measures, mutual understanding between all the linguistic groups of the country and in particular the inclusion of respect, understanding and tolerance in relation to regional or minority languages among the objectives of education and training provided within their countries and encouragement of the mass media to pursue the same objective.

Chapter 4. Findings and proposals for recommendations
Q. Leonese

The Leonese language is for the first time mentioned in the third periodical report. It forms a linguistic unity with Asturian and Mirandese. Leonese is acknowledged in the 2007 Statute of Autonomy of Castile and León. However, the regional authorities have to date not adopted any regulations for the protection and promotion of Leonese deriving from the Statute, nor have any significant practical measures been taken to protect the language.

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